It’s essential that all of your belongings properly fit inside of your storage unit for many reasons. If you’re items don’t fit, your unit may become overcrowded and disorganized, which could potentially cause damage to your belongings and make your visits more complex. Our storage calculator is the best way to determine what unit size will best fit your storage needs.
Using the tool below, enter quantities of each item that you intend to store. The calculator is designed to output an estimate of the most efficient unit size that will fit all of your items. You’ll have enough space to organize and get to your belongings with ease. If you’re feeling uneasy about the size given by the tool, it’s always a good idea to speak with one of our storage experts to confirm.
Bed, King Size
approximately 70 cubic feet
Bed, Double Size
approximately 55 cubic feet
Bed, Single
approximately 40 cubic feet
Bed, Bunk (set of 2)
approximately 70 cubic feet
Dresser, Chest of Drawers
approximately 30 cubic feet
Cedar Chest
approximately 15 cubic feet
Ironing Board
approximately 10 cubic feet
Side Tables
approximately 10 cubic feet
Wardrobe Boxes (30 hangers)
approximately 10 cubic feet
approximately 10 cubic feet
Size Suggestion
To receive a size suggestion, select the items you wish to store.